Lifestyle,  Motivational,  Self-Care,  Writer


A smile graces my face as I sit at my desk. Hearing the sound of my fingers tapping the keyboard as I finally write my first post for my website is a beautiful thing. This has been a long time coming. This is also something that should’ve never taken as long as it has. So, there’s a lot behind the smile on my face. One of the most important reasons for this genuine smile is due to the promise I’ve made to myself. This very important promise is to no longer neglect my life’s progression. Coming to the realization I was doing this to myself was painful at first. But then I became angry. So much so, that I began to beat myself up about it. That’s the wrong road to take. That road is a deserted road due to its personalization. And, if you allow it, the emotions you’re going through can cause you to break down on that deserted road. Now you’re in a position to either stay broken down or find a way to fix yourself up like new so you can accomplish what you want and need to accomplish. Honesty was, and still is, a big part of improving my thought process. I had to ask myself why it was so easy for me to wake up at the same time Monday through Friday and follow a routine that allowed me to get to work on time and do my job to the best of my ability, with no thought to it whatsoever. How was I able to do this for someone else’s company and not do the exact same thing for myself? Yes, that was, and still is, the way I’m making my living, but shouldn’t I also do the very same thing for myself? The answer is yes! Whether I wanted to admit it or not, that was indeed a form of self-neglect. This self-neglect was so painful because to neglect oneself means you’re neglecting the purpose and growth of your soul. That form of self-neglect is something that‘s so easily done because the fact of the matter is that we all have to be able to make a living for ourselves. And, that does tend to cause us to have to put aside what we truly want to do with our lives. It’s totally understandable because we have to survive. But not to the point of neglecting oneself and what’s truly meant for us. We have to always find a way to make time for ourselves. Even if we have to schedule time. We are more important than our jobs. We are getting paid to provide services so that the place of business we’re working for can thrive. If we are great at providing those services we should be proud of that. But we should be even prouder when we’re doing that same thing, times ten, for ourselves. I had to forgive myself for neglecting myself. I’m so proud of myself and I’m even prouder to be able to share my journey with those willing to take the time to view and read my website. For that, I would like to say Thank You and Welcome! My name is Cecili’a, and not only do I Love To Write, but I also Love Fully Living My Life!!