
  • Lifestyle,  Love,  Self-Care,  Writer


    Is it possible for someone to come into your life causing a genuine sense of pure happiness? I think so. It’s absolutely possible for an individual to come into your life causing an enhancement to your state of happiness. That happiness can be felt in a number of ways. Thinking of them causes happiness. Hearing their voice causes happiness. Seeing their face causes happiness. Doing things for them causes happiness. Just knowing they exist causes happiness. It’s a blessing to be able to be in the presence of an individual such as this. And, just as they bring happiness to you, you should also bring happiness to them.   I also…

  • Creative,  Nature,  Photography,  Self-Care,  Travel,  Writer

    Getting Back to What I Love

    In my first post, I wrote about self-neglect and how it can invade our lives on a personal level. Most of all, I stated how I’d promised never to neglect myself and my talents. Now I’m going to share a few examples of putting my words into action. So, let’s get started! For years, and I mean years, there’s been a place I’ve wanted to visit. Every year I would say the same thing but never took the time to actually go. So, one day I decided to get a membership to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. I knew that if I were to get a membership, then there was no…

  • Lifestyle,  Motivational,  Self-Care,  Writer


    A smile graces my face as I sit at my desk. Hearing the sound of my fingers tapping the keyboard as I finally write my first post for my website is a beautiful thing. This has been a long time coming. This is also something that should’ve never taken as long as it has. So, there’s a lot behind the smile on my face. One of the most important reasons for this genuine smile is due to the promise I’ve made to myself. This very important promise is to no longer neglect my life’s progression. Coming to the realization I was doing this to myself was painful at first. But…